Embracing Editing

Writing is a process; it is not done in one sitting. Any time I work with a writer, we always reach a point where I ask them to step away from their writing and take a break. The reason is that the best editing happens when you look at your writing with fresh eyes. 

Our mission a
t CG Sports Publishing is to tell our author's stories authentically. We also want to make sure that we uphold the standards of the publishing industry and that's why all of our manuscripts are seen by both an editor and a proofreader. 

Here's what you can expect when working with one of our CG Sports Publishing editors: 

  • They will be a sounding board. Not sure how to phrase something? Did you write the same paragraph two different ways? Thinking about moving chapters around? Ask your editor! They are excited to help you sort out your thoughts and create the best final edition of your manuscript! 

  • They will lend you their expertise. I love grammar and that's part of why I'm a writer/editor! It is a joy for me to go through a manuscript and double-check everything from the big picture structure of the text to the placement of each comma.

  • They will be honest with you. Sometimes we are really excited about pieces of a story, but it just doesn't flow with the rest of a chapter. An editor's job is to be honest with you and tell you when pieces need to be rewritten, moved around, or cut altogether. Be open to those conversations. 

Publishing relationships are built on trust. We thank every CG Sports Publishing author who has trusted us with their story and we look forward to working with many more in the future! 


3 Reasons to Utilize Case Studies


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