Get strategic with what you post

The best types of posts you can make to get the attention of sponsors and generate more demand for yourself:

Not all posts are weighted equally. However, it is good to have a diverse mix of different types of posts. The most important thing is to identify what your strengths are and develop a strategy around them. Below are some (not all) of the various types of posts you can make to get the attention of sponsors.

  1. In sport posts - Easy to do, not time intensive, scores a 5/10 on the “Sponsor Attention” scale. These can be images of you from competition, training, weight room or cross training.

  2. How to sport video or technique: These types of posts are really high in value, scoring an 8/10. Not only does it give you a chance to flex your amazing technique. But it also gives you the chance to show your personality, speaking and teaching skills. These posts make you three dimensional and you can have an endless supply of them, giving you a huge ROI.

  3. Posts about your 'story/journey' - Posts about your backstory or current journey can be huge. While they require more time, thought and introspection - they have a very high return because of the authenticity, scoring a 9/10 on the sponsor attention scale. If it's super long, share a teaser and then link to the full story as a blog on your website. Drive traffic from your IG account to your website and now you’re truly controlling the attention of an interested sponsor - and they will be very impressed by it.

  4. Fan engagement - Showing times when you engaged with fans directly can go a long way. This is literally speaking sponsor language and typically get a very good reaction from your fans and followers. 9/10 on the scale.

  5. Lifestyle and hobbies outside of sport: Always recommend including these into the mix. They are a 7/10 on the scale and you have a good chance of catching the eye of a brand/sponsor from your hobby market.


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