Easy IG Story tip for your sponsors

Hello athletes! Here is an easy IG story tip for you to give your sponsors some extra love.

Whenever you do a brand collab with a sponsor (or advertiser) they are going to ask you for engagement numbers. Here is an easy way to make sure you get extra high engagement in your collab post.

If a sponsor asks you to make 3-4 IG story posts, here’s what you do.

Tip: Make the first IG story a poll that relates to the brand campaign.

Why? When you use an IG story engagement tool, your numbers go way up due to the algorithm.

This will give you better numbers, more insights and more click throughs to share with your brand collab partner.

Give this a try on your next post for a sponsor. Then, share the numbers you get with that sponsor. They will love the proactiveness and that you are thinking of their brand for them.

Let us know how it goes!


Athletes should make more posts like this


How Sponsorships Come to Life