Getting sponsors attention on IG

What’s up athletes! Here is a quick IG tip that has worked really well with our clients on getting the attention of sponsors.

  • Identify what your ‘buckets’ are that you regularly post about and represent your brand.

  • Create an IG Highlight category for each bucket. Examples could be: “Nutrition”, “Gym”, “Travel”, “Food”, “Art”

  • Now as you go through your regular IG stories posts each week, you can tag companies who’s products you are using.

  • Save these stories to one of your highlight buckets. This creates an easy piece of ‘storytelling’ content that you or your team can share with potential sponsors.

Recently we had an athlete who wears the same athletic apparel brand in the gym. This was documented in their IG highlights. There were literally dozens of saved stories featuring this athlete showing their brand loyalty. This made our case 5x stronger when reaching out to the sponsor on why they should collab with our client.

Give it a try! You will be surprised at the results and DM’s you receive.


How to Make Sponsors Love You


How to grow on IG