How to grow on IG

What’s up athletes! Here’s a quick tip on how you can grow your account on IG (and be attractive to sponsors). Sound interesting?

Instagram is pushing Reels hard right now. They are trying to keep up with TikTok, who’s trajectory (and valuation) have been soaring.

Here’s an easy way to knock out some IG Reel content:

  1. Next time your are at an event, take video clips instead of just photos.

  2. Post event, block out 15 mins to make a Reel. We recommend using the app InShot for editing Reels.

  3. Use the video clips from your event. Add some music. Splash in a few effects. And Boom, you just got reeled.

  4. You can do this same process with images too. Organize them, add music and get it posted.

  5. Remember, it doesn’t always have to be from event either. You can gather up the videos clips you took from your week and make that into a Reel as well.

The key is not to overthink it. If you are an athlete who is posting IG Reels 1-2 times per week, you are already in the top 1% of athletes in your market.

Give it a try, let us know how it goes. Click here for an IG reel by Cejih explaining how to IG Reel:


Getting sponsors attention on IG


Athletes should make more posts like this